A few days ago, I was in the kitchen working on dinner and Corinne was with me as usual. She's always my kitchen side-kick.
Anyhow...she's busy at one end of the counter and I asked her what she was doing. She told me she's playing her "recycle-drum." This consists of an old water bottle and a big straw from Panera. I would like to claim responsibility for teaching her how to care for God's earth, but I think we have PBS shows to thank for this one.
Next she shows me her "recycle-violin" and her "recycle-trumpet." Very creative, very cute...and then I followed up with the lesson. "Recycling is a great way to take care of God's beautiful earth." Now I can take credit right?!? hehehe. :)
She's such a smarty! And don't you just love having great lessons taught (by TV) while you blog about your life. Will you guys make it to Alabama anytime this summer? I'll be here until end of August.